Privacy Policy2024-09-10T09:37:45+00:00

Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy details how Oncall handles any personal or sensitive information we collect.

The Australian Privacy Principles

The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) includes 13 privacy principles that regulate the handling of personal information by Australian and Norfolk Island Government agencies and some private sector organisations. These principles are called the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).

Principle 1 – Open and transparent management of personal information2024-10-16T04:15:57+00:00

ONCALL will take reasonable and necessary steps in the circumstances to implement practices, procedures and systems relating to ONCALL’s services or activities that will ensure compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles and will enable ONCALL to deal with inquiries or complaints from individuals about compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

ONCALL’s privacy policy is available free of charge on request and addresses the following:

  • the types of personal information that ONCALL collects and holds;

  • how ONCALL collects and stores personal information;

  • the reasons ONCALL collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information;

  • how an individual may access personal information about themselves that ONCALL holds and seek the correction of such information;

  • how an individual can complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, and how ONCALL deals with such a complaint;

  • whether ONCALL discloses personal information to overseas recipients, and if so, the countries in which such recipients are located.


If you feel that ONCALL has failed to deal with your personal information in accordance with this policy, please contact the ONCALL Quality Compliance Manager on 03 8807 2300 so that ONCALL has an opportunity to resolve the issue to your satisfaction. ONCALL will log your complaint and will listen to your concerns and grievances, discuss with you the ways in which ONCALL can remedy the situation, and put in place an action plan to resolve your complaint and improve information handling procedures if appropriate.

Concerns or requests

If you have a question about this policy or wish to lodge a request to access your personal information or you believe ONCALL has not protected your personal information please contact ONCALL’s Quality Compliance Manager on 03 8807 2300.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC): 1300 363 992 or [email protected]

Principle 2 – Anonymity and Pseudonymity2024-10-16T04:16:02+00:00

Where possible ONCALL will allow you to maintain anonymity or use a pseudonym any communication. Where this is not possible, ONCALL will inform you prior to collecting personal or sensitive information from you.

Principle 3 – Collection of personal information2024-10-16T04:16:06+00:00

How we collect personal information

Where possible ONCALL collects your personal information directly from you. Sometimes personal information may be collected about you from other sources. In most cases ONCALL will need you to specifically consent to any collection of personal information either verbally or in writing. ONCALL will also at times assume you have given your consent where your conduct with ONCALL indicates consent to the provision of the information.

One of the ways that we collect your personal information is when you call and speak to one of our staff (including our translators). We record all calls made to and from ONCALL primarily for training and quality purposes. In some cases we may also use the call recordings to assist with responding to and resolving any disputes or complaints in relation to the call or the services we provide. This means that we will collect and hold the personal information you disclose to us while you are on the phone with us, as well as the time and duration of your call. The personal information we collect will otherwise be handled in accordance this Privacy Policy.

Why we collect personal information

At times, collecting your personal information from you will be essential for ONCALL to be able to perform effectively. ONCALL’s obligations which require collection of your personal information include:

  • work placement opportunities by matching interpreters & translators to clients;

  • supporting documents for employment process;

  • payments and invoicing process;

  • statistical and statutory compliance requirements;

  • relationship management;

  • work, health & safety operations;

Types of personal information collected and held

Personal information is information about you, whether recorded in a material form or not, from which your identity could reasonably be ascertained. The types of personal information ONCALL may collect includes name, gender, address, telephone numbers, email contact details, occupational details, bank account and Tax File Number. ONCALL only collects personal information that is necessary to perform work effectively. ONCALL only uses personal information provided for the purposes for which it was collected.

Sensitive information

Sensitive information as defined in Part II, Section 6 of the Privacy Act 1998 includes information about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of political associations, religious beliefs or affiliations, membership of professional or trade associations or trade. ONCALL only collects, uses or discloses sensitive information about you as allowed by law, where ONCALL has received your consent to do so, or the collection is necessary for effective performance of work.

Location Data

By using the ONCALL Mobile application, you, as an interpreter engaged by ONCALL, agree and consent to the collection, processing, and use of your GPS, geolocation, and geo-tracking data by ONCALL. This data may include, but is not limited to, your geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude), altitude, IP address, speed, direction, and the time and date of your access to the ONCALL Mobile application. This information will be used to provide customers with real-time location updates, manage and optimize interpreter assignments, and to enhance the overall user experience for both interpreters and customers. We may also share your GPS, geolocation, and geo-tracking data with our customers and trusted third-party partners for the purposes outlined in our Privacy Policy.

You may disable the GPS, geolocation, and geo-tracking features at any time by turning off location services for the ONCALL Mobile application in your device settings. However, please note that disabling these features may limit or prevent your access to certain functionalities and services offered by ONCALL, including the ability to accept and fulfill interpreter assignments.

Principle 4 – Dealing with unsolicited personal information2024-10-16T04:16:10+00:00

If ONCALL receives unsolicited personal information that could not be collected under principle 3, and the information is not contained in a Commonwealth record, ONCALL will destroy the information or ensure it is de-identified.

If ONCALL receives unsolicited personal information and determines reasonably that this information could have been collected via other means, then ONCALL may keep this information and use it as necessary to perform work effectively.

Principle 5 – Notification of the collection of personal information2024-10-16T04:16:13+00:00

If it is reasonable in the circumstances, ONCALL will notify you if information has been collected about you from someone else or another source and ONCALL believes you may not be aware that this has occurred.

Principle 6 – Use or disclosure of personal information2024-10-16T04:16:16+00:00

How we use personal information

ONCALL uses your personal information to facilitate billing and payments, statutory authorities and provide services to you. Some examples of parties to whom ONCALL discloses your personal information are:

  • Internal Oncall staff;

  • ONCALL clients;

  • Referees for suitability purposes;

  • Statutory authorities required by legislation;

  • Banks.

How we store personal information

ONCALL takes all reasonable steps to keep any personal information held about you secure and to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or an unauthorised alteration, including:

  • Staff training;

  • Document naming protocols;

  • Password protection and restricted access;

  • Policies on laptop, mobile phone and portable storage device security;

  • Shredding and secure disposal

  • Sensitive and Confidential information policy.

Disclosure of Interpreter, Translator, and Transcriber Information for Work Opportunities: We recognise the importance of facilitating work opportunities for our interpreters, translators, and transcribers. Accordingly, we may disclose personal information, such as contact details, NAATI certification, professional qualifications, and languages of expertise, to our customers and clients, for the purpose of securing additional work opportunities for the interpreter, translator and transcriber. This process ensures that our team members have the opportunity to gain additional assignments and expand their professional engagement through our services. We commit to handling such disclosures with the utmost care, in the best interest of our staff, and in strict compliance with evolving privacy laws and regulations.

Principle 7 – Direct marketing2024-10-16T04:16:19+00:00

ONCALL may use your personal information from time to time, to provide you with information about our company. Please contact us on 03 8807 2300 if you do not wish to receive any of this information.

Principle 8 – Cross-border disclosure of personal information2024-10-16T04:16:23+00:00

ONCALL does not disclose personal information about an individual to overseas recipients.

Principle 9 – Adoption, use or disclosure of government related identifiers2024-10-16T04:16:26+00:00

ONCALL does not use government-related identifiers (such as a tax file number or medicare number) as ways of identifying information held about an individual.

Principle 10 – Quality of personal information2024-10-16T04:16:30+00:00

It is very important that the personal information ONCALL collects from you is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Where necessary ONCALL will ask you to advise of any changes to your personal information.

Principle 11 – Security of personal information2024-10-16T04:16:33+00:00

ONCALL takes all reasonable precautions to safeguard your personal information from loss, misuse or unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

Principle 12 – Access to personal information2024-10-16T04:16:36+00:00

Accessing your personal information

You may request access to any of the personal information held about you. ONCALL will provide details of all the personal information held about you free of charge.

Refusal of your request

ONCALL may refuse you access to personal information where the information you seek is mixed with other information that would disclose personal information or sensitive information about another owner in the scheme.

Principle 13 – Correction of personal information2024-10-16T04:16:39+00:00

If you request a correction to any information ONCALL has collected about you, ONCALL will take all steps reasonable in the circumstances to correct the information. If ONCALL corrects personal information about you, ONCALL will take reasonable steps to notify other entities who have been previously disclosed information about you or at your request unless it is impracticable or unlawful to do so.

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